SkySilk –托管云服务提供商
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Managing data in a cloud is an important aspect to any developers journey through building their projects. With an advent in storage and managing solutions, it is becoming even more difficult for us to select the perfect provider for our cloud services; Including many aspects like security and integrity-which are also among the most crucial ones-need to be taken care of. is setting benchmarks in this respect by providing a simplified solution to VPS hosting with a focus on developers. SkySilk maintains everything on the back-end which is desired out of a cloud service and offers a multitude of 1-click VPS hosting options to kickstart any production or testing environment. The various awe-inspiring features of this service are.

对于任何开发人员构建项目的旅程而言,在云中管理数据都是重要的方面。 随着存储和管理解决方案的出现,对于我们来说,为我们的云服务选择理想的提供商变得越来越困难。 包括安全性和完整性在内的许多方面也是最关键的方面,需要加以注意。 通过提供针对VPS托管的简化解决方案(以开发人员为重点)来设定这方面的基准。 SkySilk维护了云服务所需的后端所有内容,并提供了多种一键式VPS托管选项,可启动任何生产或测试环境。 这项服务具有令人敬畏的各种功能。

SkySilk - A Managed Cloud Services Provider

简化的VPS托管平台 (Simplified VPS Hosting Platform)

The company encapsulates a range of well defined hardware and software resources to make your work easy, portable, and scalable. Users will be able to deploy machines from a list of over 40 Linux distros, apps & tools. These cloud resources are functional, up-to-date, and can be easily implemented at any layer of various models.

该公司封装了一系列定义明确的硬件和软件资源,使您的工作变得轻松,便携式和可扩展。 用户将能够从40多种Linux发行版,应用程序和工具中部署机器。 这些云资源是功能性的,最新的,并且可以在各种模型的任何层上轻松实现。

Some of the tools in which are more developer-focused include frameworks like Node.js, Django, and CakePHP. There are also multiple deployments for popular databases which include MongoDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. Furthermore, none of these need to be manually installed as they are prepackaged as a Turnkey Linux template. However, if you need to set up a clean OS cloud computing environment, users can choose from a variety of Linux distros like Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, and more.

开发人员更关注开发人员的一些工具包括诸如Node.js,Django和CakePHP之类的框架。 流行的数据库还有多种部署,包括MongoDB,MySQL和PostgreSQL。 此外,由于这些组件已预先打包为Turnkey Linux模板,因此无需手动安装。 但是,如果您需要设置一个干净的OS云计算环境,则用户可以从各种Linux发行版中进行选择,例如Ubuntu,CentOS,Debian,Fedora等。

实惠的价格 (Affordable Pricing)

SkySilk offers a range of payment models which can be fit to suit any project requirement be it small or large. There are three pricing tiers offered: Basic, Standard, and Premium, each starting at $1, $2, and $5 a month, respectively. In addition to affordable pricing, SkySilk doesn’t compromise the amount of resources that are partitioned for each plan. In other words, you receive more resources for a significantly less cost than compared to other VPS platforms. Every server is SSD based and the premium plans boast NVMe Storage for lightning fast data transfer and command handling as well.

SkySilk提供了一系列付款模式,可以适合任何大小的项目要求。 提供三种定价层:基本,标准和高级,每个月分别从1美元,2美元和5美元开始。 除了负担得起的价格外,SkySilk不会损害为每个计划分配的资源量。 换句话说,与其他VPS平台相比,您将以更少的成本获得更多的资源。 每台服务器都是基于SSD的,而高级计划都拥有NVMe Storage,可实现闪电般的快速数据传输和命令处理。

Furthermore, a feature that is particularly useful for developers is their VPS “Boost”. Think of it as a temporary measure for scaling your machine. While other platforms allow you to scale your server at any time, this is only a one-time procedure and is permanent. While SkySilk also allows you to permanently scale you machine, boosts are a simple, and extremely cost-effective way to scale a VPS for 24 hours at a time.

此外,对开发人员特别有用的功能是其VPS“提升”功能。 将其视为扩展计算机的临时措施。 尽管其他平台允许您随时扩展服务器,但这只是一次过程,并且是永久性的。 虽然SkySilk还允许您永久扩展计算机,但增强功能是一种简单且极具成本效益的方式,可以一次24小时扩展VPS。

开源技术 (Open-Source Technology)

On the back-end of its infrastructure, SkySilk utilizes a pool of well-maintained open-source software. Going through the list you can find on their website, Proxmox comes first which is a virtualization management solution based on QEMU/KVM and LXC. This provides “clustered, fault tolerant, and seamless virtualization management” of VPS. Additionally, SkySilk utilizes Ceph Storage which is an open-source and scalable distributed file storage system. Ceph is designed to provide a replicated storage solution within their cloud platform.

在其基础架构的后端,SkySilk利用了一组维护良好的开源软件。 浏览您可以在其网站上找到的列表,Proxmox排名第一,它是基于QEMU / KVM和LXC的虚拟化管理解决方案。 这提供了VPS的“群集,容错和无缝虚拟化管理”。 此外,SkySilk利用Ceph Storage,这是一个开源且可扩展的分布式文件存储系统。 Ceph旨在在其云平台内提供复制的存储解决方案。

可靠性 (Reliability)

SkySilk ensures consistent security for your crucial data, which is a prevalent concern with most developers in modern days; and for good reason nonetheless. Thus, reliability and data integrity are maintained by SkySilk throughout the service with built-in DDoS protection, AntiVirus, secure SSH access, and more security features.

SkySilk可确保关键数据的一致安全性,这是当今大多数开发人员普遍关注的问题; 而且出于充分的理由。 因此,SkySilk借助内置的DDoS保护,防病毒,安全的SSH访问以及更多安全功能,在整个服务中维护可靠性和数据完整性。

If you are looking forward to a company which is offering cloud management services, SKYSILK is definitely a big yes. It not only caters to all your needs but also provides for an incredibly affordable price which will be a great comfort to your wallet.

如果您期待一家提供云管理服务的公司,那么SKYSILK绝对是一个不错的选择。 它不仅可以满足您的所有需求,而且还提供了令人难以置信的实惠价格,将为您的钱包带来极大的舒适感。

社区 (Community)

One last feature of SkySilk that is worth mentioning in brief is their sense of community. Not only is their support proven to respond almost instantaneously both on the website and through social media, they also encourage all of their users to post in their community forums and join their Discord server. For those that are unfamiliar, Discord is a voice and text chat software that serves purposes for gaming, but also server chat rooms that are used by SkySilk and other individuals/companies. There, users can share their feedback, ideas, and even their own personal projects and services while communicating with other platform users.

值得一提的是SkySilk的最后一项功能是其社区意识。 事实证明,他们的支持几乎可以在网站上和通过社交媒体即时响应,而且还鼓励所有用户在其社区论坛中发布并加入Discord服务器。 对于不熟悉的人,Discord是一款语音和文本聊天软件,可用于游戏,也可用于SkySilk和其他个人/公司使用的服务器聊天室。 在那里,用户可以与其他平台用户进行交流时共享他们的反馈,想法,甚至他们自己的个人项目和服务。

结论 (Conclusion)

In conclusion, SkySilk serves as an incredibly flexible platform that will serve a range of users from individual to corporate-based. Additionally, since SkySilk has been testing over the last few years, they have been able to pinpoint a number of potential issues and features to provide fixes and updates for. As a user, having the ability to talk directly with the team behind your cloud service provider and suggest new features and fixes is invaluable and will provide a healthy platform for the future.

总之,SkySilk是一个非常灵活的平台,它将为从个人到基于企业的一系列用户提供服务。 此外,由于SkySilk在过去的几年中一直在进行测试,因此他们能够查明许多潜在的问题和功能,以为其提供修复和更新。 作为用户,能够与您的云服务提供商背后的团队直接交谈并提出新功能和修复建议的能力非常宝贵,并将为未来提供一个健康的平台。



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